My Role:
My wife Betty and I have been attending Mission Point since 2016, and I have been part of a great group of Elders here since 2018. God is at work and it's exciting to be a part of that plan. I am also involved in the ministry of security, connect groups, mentoring, Deacons, kids zone greeting and chair ministries. Probably my favorite ministry is heading up the BBQ Team!
My Story:
I grew up the oldest of six kids, and we traveled the country because of my father's work. Settling in Gloucester County in the early 70's, we went to church regularly because it was the right thing to do. It wasn't until after Betty and I were married and had our first child that I really started to think about the things of God and my responsibility. Co-workers continued to share God's love, explain my sin nature and the need to acknowledge Christ as the only remedy. We both put our faith in Christ on January 17th, 1986. It's been a life of full dependence on Him. We have served in various mission fields, both local and foreign. I've also been involved in the Saints Prison Ministry since 1988, reaching men who society has given up on.
Going to college for architectural engineering and being in construction for 45 years, I really enjoy using those God given talents to help others. Retiring in 2023 has allowed me extra time to enjoy helping people, Philly sports, fishing, travel, cornhole and more ministry in prisons. Retirement has given me more time to study the Word and experience God working in and through me to accomplish His purpose in my life.